Will CBD Make Me Tired?

Do you often feel like you’ve been up too long and the day just won’t end? Are you looking for a natural way to restore your energy levels? If so, you may be wondering if CBD could provide the perfect solution. In this article, we’ll take a look at whether or not CBD can make

Why Take CBD Daily?

I only want to take CBD on my ‘bad’ days, why should I take it daily? CBD has a ‘build up’ effect so if you take only one or two drops a day, even on the days you don’t think you need it, you are creating a ‘store’ for when you do. Think of it

GB Para Powerlifting Champion Keeps Training

Hampshire based CBD company Medivita Ltd help World Champion Para Powerlifter, Alfie Wright, to keep training during social distancing restrictions. When social distancing measures were brought in by the Government late last month it heralded the closure of all gyms and fitness centres. This has spawned a huge number of online fitness routines from celebrities

Full Spectrum CBD Oil And Drug Tests

Full spectrum CBD products contain trace elements of THC (Tetrahydrocannabinol) which are small enough to ensure the products remain within the current guidelines. THC is very much seen as the ‘bad boy’ amongst the cannabinoid family but when combined with them it provides a full ‘entourage’ effect and gives you the best chance of benefiting

Full Spectrum?

In the past few days I have seen a number of cbd products advertised as ‘Full Spectrum’ but when you read further you discover they aren’t. I know when I was first researching which cbd oil to take, this was one of the most confusing aspects, all cbd oil is the same, right? Well no,